You Decide

Episode 3 I The One Quality That Can Change Any Relationship

Mandy Miles Season 1 Episode 3

This week we're jumping into relationships, and discussing the one quality that has the potential to change any dynamic. It's a trait that shows up in our solid relationships naturally, but takes some effort with those where conflict or disconnect are present. And while these are important, it's not love, honesty or loyalty that we're referencing!

I'm sharing:

  • The element that great relationships share
  • Common reasons we experience conflict or disconnect in relationships, including past hurts, one-sided efforts and personality clashes
  • Where attention may be needed in each of those unique scenarios
  • How to apply this quality to each of those challenging relationship dynamics
  • Why both mindset and action are important aspects 
  • The first step to rebuilding connection
  • The simple step that creates forward progress
  •  How a shift in focus can create positive change in your marriage/romantic relationships
  • Why your relationship with yourself shouldn't be left out of this conversation

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