You Decide

Episode 7 I Learning to Celebrate [My 40th birthday episode!]

Mandy Miles Season 1 Episode 7

It's a big week my friends! On Friday I'm hitting a milestone. The big 4-0. I know, I'm supposed to having a crisis and all, but instead, I'm talking about it.  I'm talking about why I'm excited, and what I've learned. Join me as I share a few important reflections, and the biggest take away this year has taught me. 

I'm sharing:

  • Why this birthday is such a big deal to me
  • What we actually need to be striving for when it comes to accomplishments
  • How our natural tendencies show up when we're trying to create change
  • The friction that exists both internally and externally surrounding goals and change
  • Why learning to celebrate [for ourselves] is massively important

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