You Decide

Episode 16 I If Mama Ain't Happy... [Emotional Regulation and the Tone in Your Home]

Mandy Miles Season 1 Episode 16

We've all heard the saying, "If Mama ain't happy... nobody's happy..."
Today we're talking about how moms influence and impact the tone of the home. How does her emotional state alter the atmosphere of her home, and why emotional regulation is such an important part of the equation. Today, Mandy talks about:

  • The science behind the impact of a mother's emotional state on her children
  • The common struggle with emotional regulation
  • The spectrum of emotional dysregulation, and common challenges
  • The importance of awareness and curiosity (as always!)
  • The pressure that is commonly felt with this topic
  • Ways to better equip ourselves for handling emotions
  • How to deal with it when we struggle to manage our emotions
  • The opportunity that exists for moms in this role 

Study cited in today's episode:

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